Tuesday 1 November 2011

Getting into shape for free

hi there folks
today im going to tell you about getting into shape. you might be overweight and are trying to lose some stones or maybe your like me, someone who wants to look better. the best way to do this is to start with the basics. this is in the form of pushups. yes you might be thinking what the hell this guy is talking about but many people cant even do 10 or even 5 pushups. Pushups are a great way to start increasing your strength and giving your upper body defenition but many people just dont give pushups priority and i dont know why.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits of doing pushups do. they increase muscle in your:

1. your chest
2. hands, forearms, biceps, triceps
3. shoulders, traps, upper back, lower back
4. abs
5. glutes
6. hamstrings, quads, calf, feet
7. your heart muscle gets stronger and your mind get more 'clear', too

But I need to mention so much more:

- you can perform them anywhere, anytime
- you don't need any technical equipment
- it cost you nothing for gym membership or anything else
- you can make them alone, with no hassle around
- regular performing gives you almost perfect lean and very healthy look

You can call push ups a core-strengthening exercise. They largely improve your balance by strengthening and shaping up most important muscle groups in your body - the core.

I believe push-ups are the most effective exercise for improving total body fitness. They include cardiovascular training, weight/body lifting and muscle stretching all in one exercise.
article wriiten by lazy.

i suggest you do pushups everyother day because your muscles need time to recover and grow. if you do them everyday there is a big risk of you injuring yourself.

if you dont know where to start and how many pushups you should do there is a website specifically desighned for you to do this. it is called the 100 pushup challange. it is a free service which is why im  suggesting it to you. have a look at it and see if you can beat the 100 pushup challenge.
go to  http://hundredpushups.com/

p.s i myself have recently started the program just yesterday and i think its great. a bit tough but i know its working because im feeling sore today so i think thats a sign that my muscles are growing.
the final thing i am going to say is dont lose heart and motivation. keep at it and believe me you wil see the difference. click here to check out the 100 pushup program

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