Monday 5 December 2011

The four super E's in weight loss

The challenge to lose weight is a general goal. There’s no exact goal setting (how much weight?), no methods (how to do it?), and no deadlines (by the end of 2012?).This is the same reason that people make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, but fail. The following tips will help you succeed in the New Year that is 2012.
The four E’s in weight loss are:
Eat right
The hardest thing to do is change you’re eating habits. This is because you eat everyday and several times a day. When you are hungry you will go to the kitchen and the first thing you see you will gobble down your throat. But have you noticed that you go for something like chocolate and crisps. This is the problem because you’re so use to it that you go for the same snacks every time. You need to read and learn what to eat and when to eat it and how much to eat. You need to think about the healthy habits that you need to incorporate in your diet. Think about low fat foods, high protein foods, and high fibre foods. These are important if you want to lose the weight. Also drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated, eat more vegetables and fruits. Eat smaller meals but more frequently. And don’t skip breakfast as this will make you gain weight.  
Educate yourself
Losing weight is 90% mental according to weight loss experts. It’s true that successful weight loss begins in the brain. So your resolution has to start with your mind before you see physical changes. To do this you need knowledge. You also need to ask yourself why you want to lose weight before you start otherwise you will fail. Other questions you need to ask yourselves is do you want to look good? Do you want to get rid of diabetes? do you want to be healthy? And probably the most important, do you want to feel good about yourself?
Once you know the reasons and the goals you want to achieve you should create a plan you can follow. Right down what you are going to do and what the goals are. Keep track of your weight and check every 2 weeks to see if you have lost some. Take a note of the exercises you done, foods you have consumed. Write down your thoughts and feelings because this will help you focus more. Doing all this is a visual reminder for you that you are actually making progress and it will make it easier to motivate yourself because after doing all that work you can’t just give up. Remember success takes time and patience so don’t be put off if you are making slow progress because after you have reached your goal you will become a different person (in a good way).
You need to make a exercise plan that is easy to follow. What I see is that people search for a plan on the internet that is very complicated and hard to follow. This leads to failure. You need to come up with your own plan. I have written other articles that can help you so please check them out as well. The key is to do exercises which you find enjoyable and stick to it. If you want you can start with something simple as walking, just get out there and do it.
If you are someone who dosent enjoy too much exercise you can do stuff like yoga, meditation and taking weight loss pills. These are fantastic ways to lose weight. I have done a lot of reviews on this page about top weight loss pills so if you want to learn more go ahead and check out my other articles. Please make sure you do something because if you do you will steadily take off pounds, your mind will be more peaceful and your muscles will look toned and beautiful.  
People who hate the idea of exercise can find activities they enjoy. You could get your friends to help you in the form of fun games like football or you could take a fun trip like mountain climbing. Go to dance classes. Get video games which are active like dance or sports games and play with your mates. You could ask a friend or family member to monitor your weight loss goals which is a great motivator for you to lose that weight.
Don’t let anything and anyone stop you from achieving your goals. Start now or start in 2012 but get out there and do it.
Remember this and think about it: success in the game is what you are seeking


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